Are you an individual or an organization seeking a clinical supervisor? As AAMFT Approved Supervisors, we offer individual and group supervision to LMFT candidates for licensure.
Are you an individual or an organization seeking a clinical supervisor? As AAMFT Approved Supervisors, we offer individual and group supervision to LMFT candidates for licensure.
We practice supervision from a culturally responsive, anti-oppressive lens. As supervisors, one of our core objectives is to help our supervisees understand and be aware of the intersectionality involved in their clients’ social location as well as their own, emphasizing how the latter plays a significant role in the client system as well as in the therapeutic process.
We embrace the notion of therapists as “wounded healers,” which includes exploring with our supervisees how to work through their personal vulnerabilities in the context of their responsibilities to their clients, encouraging awareness of self in the room, and supporting growth in how to use self-of-the-therapist to inform therapeutic work.